Thursday, February 12, 2009

craigslist personals

my friend and I put each other up to the challenge of trying to find the ads that literally make us laugh the most. force yourself through the personals to find some of those hilarious gems.
Here's one:

Oy! I forgot to get a vife!
Nu, I vent to wisit mein mishpoche und mein deer modder, hoo I loff, she sez to me, "Lookit you! Yaw hendsome! Yaw smaht! But yaw fawty yiz olt. So vie arnchoo merreed awreddy?" 
Pliz, Miss. Mehbee yew kin be mein vife und mek mein modder heppy und stop kvetching. Dot vood be nice. So pliz enser dis ed kvickly. But send uh peekshuh mit yaw enser. Mein modder dont vant no meeskeit in mein mishpoche.

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