Monday, July 12, 2010

Metro North and the World Cup

I feel like this past weekend of late nights and couch surfing was mostly unintentional. I went to a roof party at my former roommate's new place (and if you're wondering, no, we didn't break up). The new place is absolutely awesome, but parties also mean late nights. Of course for me, after a day or work, this made for a 22-hour day. I finally was able to hit the sack (literally - I slept on bean bag chairs) around 5 in the morning.
Some time in the afternoon the next day, I thought it was high time to head home as I had expected to. I rushed to Grand Central to catch a train only to find out that all trains on the New Haven line were temporarily suspended in both directions. I waited it out and watched the Uruguay vs. Germany game in Grand Central. There was a television that was put up in the middle of Grand Central - a small one, but an awesome idea nonetheless. It was good to FINALLY catch a game and root for my study-abroad home, Germany.
I ended up crashing in the city another night on another friend's futon to avoid what was sure to be crowded trains full of travelers desperate to get home. You can read about the excitement of the Metro North New Haven line power outage here (New York Times).
watching URU vs. GER in Grand Central

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