Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sundays in Connecticut

Often I can't help but find the humor in bad timing. I found the necessity to come to Connecticut this weekend to meet people both in the business sense and on the personal level. So that meant was coffee and dinner and snow. Because without the snow, things would have run too smoothly for me. But that's ok. Coffee was delayed slightly, but my time there was preductive enough. I was caught up on all that was happening with "Voices in Conflict" and vented my career woes to someone in the industry. Overall, rather productive for me.
Next was the arduous job of finding directions that my feeble mind could understand to get dinner with a teacher of mine from high school. Once the frustration of a snow route could be figured out, everything worked out fine. Dinner was fun and it was good to talk and catch up again.
Despite the fact that I had hoped to return to New York tonight, the snow delayed that process. My wittle baby Scion was unable to hand even the smallest amount snow on the ground. It's ok, Baby Scion, we understand you were just a cheap car bought as a replacement for our ever reliable Jeep, may he rest in peace. It's ok, you're cute too're just useless sometimes.
But if there's anything that's clear it's that in the months I've been away in Europe I've matured. I may not displayed that openly, but I feel it. I'm not as timid about living on my own. I find that the return to the small town feels like a movie, a nostalgic return where everyone knows you and wants to say hello. Funny that I didn't feel that the entire time that I was home over break and yet today I felt nearly bombarded with compliments, people happy to see me, to know how I was doing. You're hair looks great. Personally, I think it's lacking a bit lately. You look so great! Just great! adflkja;dlfkjasldfkjaldsfkj I can't say I don't like the attention though. It's a pleasant boost after the last few weeks of loneliness and self loathing and anxiety attacks. That's slowly falling away as I start to distract myself with school and friends. A relief in many ways.
Yes, I think slowly but surely I'm drifting away from this lifestyle in the suburbs where Connecticut may be nothing but a visit on a Sunday. Saturdays are too entertaining and Sundays are too calm in the city that the pleasantries of small town living are best observed on Sundays at the local market, at the local library, or in the living rooms. How strangely picturesque to imagine a roaring fire in place of a high rise view of Manhattan. Maybe it's most days in New York and Sundays in Connecticut and that's simply how I have to visit from now on.

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